
Our last trip to Fratton Park for a little while…possibly longer……
===dramatic pause====
…possibly EVER!!!

Best make the most of it, then!

Whilst the ongoing serial misdemeanours of all their many owners (Fit And Proper, that the PL have given the thumbs up to, of course) have buried Proud Pompey, hopefully they’ll soon be back – at least, from a beer & pub perspective.

Portsmouth & Southsea is comfortably mid-table in the Ale PL, with a fine range of beers, & buildings in which to drink them. You will inevitably pass numerous examples on the way through town – glazed tile frontages, Brewers’ Tudor, Witches’ Hat turrets, references to old breweries such as Brickwoods, United Ales, & Long’s….

As you’ll see from the maps, a hefty selection of 15 of the best will reward a longer stay. Possibly the best ale house – the Hole in the Wall – stays shut until 4pm on Saturdays, so that’s one for post-match.

To the SE of the peninsular (Fratton Map), a cluster of 3 in relative close proximity are the suggested rendezvous venues:
11am opener – The Sir Loin of Beef (SLOB) #15 – Highland Rd – 8 or so beers & cider.
Also open at 11 – Eastfield Hotel #3, just north of the SLOB – bit of a “Home” pub, but Oakleaf beer & several guests.
A fall back – 12noon open – Artilliery Arms #1 – a few block E of Milton Rd, along Dunbar Rd – 5 or 6 beers – an old favourite, that went downhill, & is now all better again.

Also, well worthy of mention – a cracking website on Portsmouth pubs – imaginatively entitled

Comprehensive listings – with photos of all; Pub Crawls; a sensible beer outlook; reviews; news – the Full Monty. One of the best examples yet seen.

A word of warning – the old faithful Pastie Pub, the Connaught (NW of Fratton Park) is sadly boarded up. Boooo.

Tek me Drinkin!!

Maps were a little too detailed this week for google maps, try downloading our .pdf file instead.


There are no tickets on sale at the moment. Check back at least 7 days before the next home game.

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